

OK, so you are asking what the heck is NaBloPoMo? Quite simply, it stands for “National Blog Posting Month.” It is a group of bloggers who are committed to writing a blog post each and every day of the month, not just a few here and there. Unfortunately, I most often fall into the latter category. This is why I am joining NaBloPoMo for the month of November.

NaBloPoMo allows bloggers to support each other, and give tips and advice to accomplish their goal. Because, I usually write posts so sporadically, I have decided to challenge myself this month. Perhaps, I will join again in December. We’ll see how it goes this month, and what kind of material I can deliver. Hopefully, the majority of my posts will be of interest to at least a few people! However, the main reason I joined NaBloPoMo is to develop my writing skills, and put them into practice on a daily basis.

I am very excited about the challenge I am taking in committing to daily writing. Please check back to see how I am doing. If you are a blogger, you should consider taking on the challenge of NaBloPoMo yourself!

The group can be found on ning.com


Some Halloween Fun!

This week I decided to share some of my favorite Halloween links and videos. The first video is actually a movie trailer starring a young Johnny Cash. The movie is titled, “The Door-to-Door Maniac.” I have never seen the movie, but it looks like it could be pretty intense.

It was around this time last year that I discovered a whole new genre of movie trailers on Youtube. Some very creative and talented people like to take scenes and clips from beloved movies. They turn these clips into a movie trailer that has an entirely different look and feel from the original film. For example, one person edited clips from the movie “Sleepless in Seattle,” and turned it into a story about an obsessed woman. They basically took a romantic comedy and turned it into a horror film that closely resembles the ’80s movie, Fatal Attraction. Trust me,  you will never see Meg Ryan’s sweet and lovable character quite the same way again.

Another favorite family, “Mary Poppins,” has been painstakingly recut in to a trailer that makes the film look like a horror movie, as well. Once again, you will never look at Mary Poppins, nor Julie Andrews, the same.

The last recut horror trailer I will share, is from another modern family classic, The Lion King. Once again, our lovable hero has been transformed into a psycho-lion!

The last link is for a new, independent movie which an aquantaince of mine produced. Shadowland has been screened at several film festivals, including the St. Louis Filmmaker’s Showcase, the Piasa Film Festival, the Freakshow Horror Film Festival, and the Halloween Horror Film Festival. It has won recognition and awards at these festivals. Additionally, it is scheduled to be screened at the St. Louis International Film Festival in November.  For a synopsis and more information, check out the Shadowland official website.

As a child growing up with Tourette Syndrome, I never thought it possible, that one day, I would look at the disorder as anything other than a curse. I mean what child would ever look at ticking, grunting, head-jerking, and constant teasing and ridiculing as something positive, let alone a gift?

I can remember the ticks starting as far back as second or third grade. At first they were slight, and the other kids actually thought they were kind of cool. That changed when I was in about 5th or 6th grade. At that age, the ticks increased in frequency and intensity. The other kids began to look at me in a much more ridiculing light. I was kind of an outcast, though I did have at least a handful loyal friends.

I wasn’t diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome until I was 19, even thought the symptoms began years earlier. This was a disorder that was not very prevalent. I was an oddity of sorts.  Tourette Syndrome first started really gaining attention in the mainstream media in the ‘80s. Unfortunately, much of that was sensationalized and somewhat inaccurate. However, there was at least one piece that was responsible for changing my life! As I was watching television one night, shortly after graduation, an ad came on that was hosted by William Shatner. That ad would forever change me. It was a public service announcement that detailed symptoms of a disorder of which I had never heard. Of course, he was talking about Tourette Syndrome, and they showed clips of other children with the disorder. These symptoms fit me to a T. It was almost like an instant diagnosis, and it offered me a renewed hope for a normal life. I made an appointment with a neurologist shortly after, and within a couple of days of starting on medication, years of ticks, twitches, and grunts were almost completely gone!

That was the beginning of a journey that has allowed me to re-invent myself over a period of two decades. It is a journey that continues today. I have learned so many life lessons and so much about myself over the last 20 years. More than that, I have realized that all of those years spent twitching, ticking, grunting, and shaking my head were not wasted. In fact, they helped mold me into the person I am today. I have come to see Tourette Syndrome as a part of who I am, and even something to be (gasp!) embraced.

It is far too difficult to condense all of the lessons learned through my Tourette’s into one single post, so I am going to write about my journey over a period of time. Check back often, to learn how something that is unfortunate, embarrassing, and ultimately humbling, can change your life for the better. Ok,  I’ll get off my Tony Robbins & Joel Osteen soapbox….at least, for now.

A clip from I Have Tourette’s, But Tourette’s Doesn’t Have Me.

Go to the original Youtube link.

Visit the Tourette Syndrome Association website.

My Morning Routine

This is my morning routine, thanks to Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Brightkite, etc….

Morning Routine

Check out more comics at www.xkcd.com

This week my favorite and recent bookmarks run the gamut between politics, Halloween, computer-animation, Photoshop, and more! I sincerely hope that you find at least a few of them useful, interesting, and fun.

  1. In light of the upcoming election, I am including a link I just discovered today. Glassbooth.org is a useful tool, especially if you remain undecided about which Presidential canididate will get your vote. This website offers a quiz based on your stance on the issues which are facing this country.  It involves 3 simple steps. The first step allows you to pinpoint which issues matter most to you. The next step offers a “quiz” based on those issues. There is no “right or wrong” answer. The questions merely ask for your beliefs and opinions on these issues. The finishing step lets you see which candidate’s views and stances are most similar to yours.  It ranks how similar you are to each candidate.  It is definitely worth a try.
  2. I recently purchased the Abobe Creative Suite, and did not quite know where to begin. Several friends who are graphic designers suggested I begin with Photoshop, since all of the other programs are generally image-based. I was lucky enough to come across Smashing Magazine’s article detailing 35 Beautiful Vintage and Retro Photoshop Tutorials. I dug right in, and created my first Photoshop picture last night.  I started with the comic book photo effect.  I loved working with Photoshop, and discovering my creative side. I also discovered that I have much to learn! This article has some really cool ideas if you are into vintage and retro-style posters, photos, and effects.
  3. Dwigger is a new site that combines Twitter with Digg-like voting. Basically, if you have a Twitter account, you can repost your tweets on Dwigger, and allow fellow-Dwiggers to vote them up or down. You can also tweet directly from Dwigger, follow people, and comment on others’ Dwiggs or Tweets.
  4. Are you looking for a few fun, but cheap Halloween decorating ideas? The girls behind Pippin Party offer three easy, creative, and inexpensive ideas that will add some Spook to your home. Check out their how-to guide to making a spooky mirror, and  “Monster Family” pictures and magnets.
  5. I was spending a relaxing Saturday night at home a couple of months ago. I turned on the tv and began flipping through the channels. Something caught my eye on PBS. They were presenting Animusic videos.  Animusic, at it’s core,  is high-tech, and extremely creative computer animated music. They are not just videos with music playing in the background. They are very creative scenes with instruments literally coming alive. I honestly don’t know how to describe them, other than to say they blew me away!
  6. What do you get when you combine apples, crescent rolls, and Mountain Dew?  Why, you get apple dumplings, of course! A co-worker brought some semi-homemade apple dumplings to work one day. They were wonderful! I was surprised to learn just how deceptively easy they are to make. The recipe can be found at Simplycook.net. Just don’t tell your friends know how easy they were to make. Let them think that you spent all day in the kitchen!
  7. Check out this Youtube video for some more really easy Halloween crafts you can make with your kids (or by yourself.)

Here is the direct YouTube link.

Well, it has been quite a while since I wrote a 7 Wonders Wednesday post. Actually, I have been a bit neglectful of this blog for a couple of months, writing only an occasional post. I can assure you that I am still alive and still kicking! In fact, I have been busy collecting favorite links, websites, and blog posts. I have several I want to share over the next few weeks. However, since the title of my link-sharing post is called 7 Wonders Wednesdays, I am limiting the number of links shared to exactly 7 each week.

  1. I am starting with a link for writers, that is interesting and fun. Brave New Fiction is a Twitter-like platform for writers that fosters creativity. The concept is similar to Twitter and other micro-blogging services. The writer is limited to a certain number of characters in which to convey their thoughts and creativity. The challenge is for the author to write an ongoing story, while being allowed only one line per day. That line must not contain more than 140 characters, but can have less. The idea is to keep your readers coming back for more, as in every single day.
  2. From the rumor mill: Microsoft maybe pulling an Apple! Apparently, Microsoft may in the process of establishing an app store, called Skymarket. The store will feature applications that can be used with Window’s Mobile-based phones, such as the Blackberry. Could this potentially cut into Apple’s iphone market? hmmm.
  3. Do you monetize your blog? In their post about how to make money BECAUSE of your blog, the writers at Problogger, detail ten specific ways to do this. These tips go beyond the typical ads, such as google adsense. The ideas mentioned can lead to opportunities outside of your actual blog. Basically, you would use your blog to “sell yourself” so that you may use your writing talent in other ways. For example, you may be able to become a freelance writer, a book author, or sell e-resources. Check out the article for more specifics.
  4. As a Facebook user, I started to notice a bunch of old-style yearbook pictures creeping up on my friends’ profiles. The faces in the photos were definitely those of my friends, but the hairstyles and fashions were very outdated. Plus, many of these friends hadn’t been in high school for years! I took a closer look, and realized that these photos were made on a new website, called Yearbook Yourself. I just HAD to give it a try. It is so much fun, and way too addictive! All that is involved is uploading a photo, and cropping it into the premade yearbook photo. Photos are available from the early 1950s up to the year 2000. There is a different photo for about every 2-4 years. Trust me, you will want to try out photos for all of the years. Like, I said, this site is quite addicting.
  5. Photobucket Image Hosting

  6. How much can you say or show in 12-seconds flat? The start-up website, 12seconds.tv will help you find the answer to that. Right now, 12 Seconds is in private alpha. This means it is, most likely, still in the development process, and is by invitation-only. It is similar to micro-blogging services such as Twitter and Plurk. In micro-blogging, you usually have 140ish characters, or less, to write what you are wanting to write. This site is a micro-video service in the same way. With 12Seconds.tv, you have 12 seconds of less to say or show something. The results can range from hilarious and silly to dramatic and profound. See if you can snag an invitation, check out the other videos, and try your hand at making your own video of 12-seconds or less. See just how creative you can be.
  7. Has it really been 10 years? Apparently, many are celebrating the 10th birthday of Google this month. However, some controversy remains over exactly which day that would fall. TechCrunch details the chronology of the internet-superpower, Google. Do we go by (a) the date the domain was registered (b) the date of incorporation, or (c) some made up day. Depending on which criteria you choose to go by, the dates would be different. Actually, the year, itself, could be entirely different. This month Google turns either, 10, 11, or 13-years old. Which date will you celebrate Google’s birthday? Do you really even care? I mean there are much greater things in this world to worry about than having a birthday party for Google.
  8. Finally, I would like to share a link to the church of which I am a member. My friend is the webmaster for Lifepoint Church in Ozark, Missouri. She has been working diligently on a brand-spankin’ new website for Lifepoint. She rolled out latest version last weekend. The results are a website that is informative, user-friendly, and extremely professional-looking. Check it out, if you wish. If you are looking for a new church-home in the Springfield-Ozark, Missouri area, you should definitely give Lifepoint a try. It rocks!

I just found out that Springfield will soon have yet another choice for pizza lovers. According to their website, Old Chicago will premier it’s first Springfield, Missouri location on September 15. The address is listed as 2040 E. Independence. I believe that this is the old Rio Bravo restaurant, located across from Wal-Mart.


I love Old Chicago! Until now, the only time I could partake of this guilty pleasure,  was when I would visit  my sister in Kansas City. Will the Springfield eatery meet my expectations? Will it pass the muster? I guess I will just have to wait a few weeks to find out. You can expect a review around the first part of October. I will give all the details of my Old Chicago dining experience: the good, the bad, and the ugly! Hopefully, there will not be any bad or ugly.

Sunday, July 20, 2008: I drove from Springfield, Missouri to Kansas City. Even though, it is only a 3 hour drive, I hadn’t made the trip in nearly two years. My sister lives, with her family, on the Kansas side in Olathe. They come to Springfield on a regular basis, so I get to see my nephews often. However, I do enjoy all that Kansas City has to offer. During the drive, I listened to some of my favorite podcasts. I enjoyed the French music podcast,Radio Oh-La-La. In addition, I listened to Alternageek, Grammar Girl, and Net@Night with Amber MacArthur and Leo Laporte. I love that I can listen to podcasts while I drive. I learn something new and valuable, and it makes the time fly.

My brother-in-law had already made plans to take the boys camping and dirt biking on Sunday night. That meant my sister and I could have a girls’ night, which is pretty rare for us. We started by having dinner at Spin! Neopolitan Pizza in Overland Park. I loved the openness and the decor.


We started with an appetizer of Rosemary flatbread with white bean hummus. We then moved on to the Melanzane, which was a white pizza with roasted eggplant, caramelized onions, and goat cheese.
The crusts are hand-tossed, and the pizzas are stone-fired. We loved everything about Spin! The food arrived quickly, service was great, and the food was wonderful! I just had to try the gelato. They had several flavors to choose from. I opted for the blueberry butter cookie gelato. It was just the right size and taste to end the perfect meal.


Lastly, I heard about Swurl on one of the podcasts I had listened to earlier in the day. Last night, I decided to check it out and sign up. Swurl is a place that basically pulls all of your different web presences into one place. It pulls from services like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, Picasa, and some many more. Swurl then places your updates from these services into your own little Swurl “page” with your own Swurl URL. The final result is a page that looks kind of like a blog. I think I am going to like Swurl. Here is my Swurl page.

Over the last few days, I have heard talk about a new film. Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is not your typical big-screen, feature film. Starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day, this movie was made strictly for the internet. The movie is presented by Mutant Enemy Productions, and directed by Joss Whedon.

The movie was released in three acts, making it a “serial movie.” I was able to watch all three acts today on the Dr. Horrible website, free of charge. Unfortunately, I learned that they will only be available on their website until midnight, July 20, Eastern time. That means tonight, folks. However, the good news is that they can be purchased and downloaded from itunes after July 20th. They are sold as 3 separate acts for $1.99 each, making them similar to buying individual tv show episodes.

What I loved about Dr. Horrible, is that this movie breaks the traditional super-villain / super-hero mold. Dr. Horrible, as played by Harris, comes across as passionate and sincere, though misguided. On the other hand, the super-hero, Captain Hammer, is portrayed as shallow, insincere, and without a heart. I also enjoyed the cheesiness of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. I miss the cheesy super-heroes of the ’70s and ’80s. I grew up on Electra-Woman and Dyna-Girl, Christopher Reeve as Superman, The Last American Hero, and the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It seems to me that the superhero movies today are rather dark and gloomy. While not all of them are this way, I just can’t get into the dramatic, dark superhero films. Super-heroes are meant to be fun!

Dr Horrible has proven to be an internet blockbuster. It has quickly become a fast-spreading viral video across the web. I have to wonder it this medium just might be the wave of the future. Let’s face it, ticket prices have risen considerably, as have prices on other items. Ticket sales have gone down, while prices of other necessities, such as food and gas, continue to skyrocket. Though I do not bill myself as an economic analyst, I see this as a sign that ticket sales will continue to go down.

Another factor is the high costs to filmmaker’s themselves. Surely it would cost less to make an internet movie. In addition, the internet and new social media offer the opportunity for viral marketing, much of it free or low-cost.

I am looking forward to see if other internet movies make such a dramatic splash across the world wide web. I am also curious to see just how this could eventually impact the movie industry.

In the meantime, check out Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. You just might be thoroughly entertained!

Visit the Dr. Horrible website.

This is a fun and clever short film. It is brought to you by the folks at PES Films. Man, do I wish I could cook like that!

If you visit their website, you will discover even more funky, short videos.