
Archive for the ‘Weather’ Category

Lookout Springfield, Missouri! It looks like another major ice-storm is on it’s way. Less than a year after the January 2007 ice-storm devastated the area, another one of equal strength appears to loom on the horizon. This weekend, particularly Saturday night through Monday morning is going to be critical. We could be in for another rough turn.

I was one of the lucky ones during January’s storm, being out of power for only a few hours. I even had internet and cable tv. Living in an apartment, I didn’t have any outdoors cleanup either. Others were not so lucky. Some were without power for over three weeks. Downed trees and powerlines riddled the area causing a massive cleanup effort. Utilities workers from other cities and states rolled into the area to get power back up and running for our tattered city and surrounding area.

I found this video on youtube that says it all;

Also be sure to check out the local ABC-affiliate’s weather blog. KSPR/Springfield33 maintains a blog focusing on the weather which is available on their website.

I pray that I am as lucky this time around too!

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