
Archive for November, 2008


OK, so you are asking what the heck is NaBloPoMo? Quite simply, it stands for “National Blog Posting Month.” It is a group of bloggers who are committed to writing a blog post each and every day of the month, not just a few here and there. Unfortunately, I most often fall into the latter category. This is why I am joining NaBloPoMo for the month of November.

NaBloPoMo allows bloggers to support each other, and give tips and advice to accomplish their goal. Because, I usually write posts so sporadically, I have decided to challenge myself this month. Perhaps, I will join again in December. We’ll see how it goes this month, and what kind of material I can deliver. Hopefully, the majority of my posts will be of interest to at least a few people! However, the main reason I joined NaBloPoMo is to develop my writing skills, and put them into practice on a daily basis.

I am very excited about the challenge I am taking in committing to daily writing. Please check back to see how I am doing. If you are a blogger, you should consider taking on the challenge of NaBloPoMo yourself!

The group can be found on ning.com


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